TeamsHub is Coming: New Competitor for WeChat
- On September 3, 2013

2013.8.19, China Telecom and Netease together released their new mobile IM app TeamsHub aka YiXin, TeamsHub is the first and the only IM app which designed and provided by telecom operator and internet company.
Besides, Xiaochu Wang president of China Telecom and Lei Ding SEO of Netease, Chaoyan Yan CEO of Sohu, Xiangdong Qi CEO of Qihoo360, and Hua Lan CMO of, even some of the senior executives of CHINAUNICOM attended the press conference.
It looks that WeChat this time will face a real unprecedented challenge, and we will keep a close watch on it.
Since the TeamsHub has just been released, the detail introduction of TeamsHub will be on next issue.